This is Your Defining Moment...Love Yourself, Show up for yourself, And Fulfill Your Divine Purpose Now!

Get Ready For Your Most Successful Year Ever... One That Is Deeply Spiritual, Impactful, and Fulfilling!

Imagine This Year Being Filled With Clarity of Thought, Confidence To Take New Action, Consistency, and Yes, Cash too!!!

It's Time To Step Into The High Vibrational Frequency Of Your GODSELF!

You No Longer Have to Separate Your Spiritual Life From Your Marketplace Assignment.

Are you a 

career professional, who is deeply spiritual and wants to learn how to merge your marketplace assignment and your spirituality to have a greater impact and create more income?

Are You Ready to Move Pass Being Stuck At The Same Level  With The Same Results?

Now is your time to allow the real YOU to emerge and fulfill your authentic spiritual assignment. (Not sure what that is? No worries, we will walk together and uncover your true passions.)

Get Ready To Unlock The Hidden Power of Your Divine Consciousness And Active True Mindset Mastery That Will Allow You To Win In Life and Keep Winning!

Beloved, this is the time to leap into a new reality.  A reality where you are consciously aware that you are powerful, sovereign, and creating your desired reality. Get ready to live life as the full expression of YOU.

No more sitting on the sidelines of life wondering why you can't seem to figure it out. So many others have crossed over into success and are now living their best life but you are still stuck, confused, and frustrated.

99 percent of what's holding you back is your MINDSET!  What you are thinking, feeling, and believing subconsciously is calling the shots and SABOTAGING your life!

If you are ready to arise and start living your best life today, this Spiritual Success Transformation System is for you.

Join Dr. E. In An
All-New Transformation Training...

12-Month Spiritual Success  Transformation System


12 is the number of completeness, authority, and divine rule! 

This 12-month training will prepare you to BE your best self. This strategic system will be a master key with which you may open the many doors of the Kingdom of God within you!

I want you to get ready to bring an end to the disappointment of missing the mark.

You know you are here to experience more. As you understand and unlock the latent power of your soul, you will no longer:

  • Live through your shadow codes

  • Exchange one ego-producing effect for another

  • Participate in the miscreation of your life experiences

  • Misjudge Your value and unique abilities

  • Hold yourself, hostage, to the misconceptions of limitation and fear

  • Look for answers from misaligned relationships

It's Your Time!


Your Transformation Starts Now


Decide now...Who Will Be In Your Ear For The Next Year?

When you learn to properly use the power of the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious mind through heightened awareness, you will understand that everything in the outer world is only secondary to the inner world of consciousness and that's when your focus begins to change from without to within! 

This transformation training will be the catalyst that births true and lasting change in your life.

Join me in this All-new 12-month Transformation Training Program as we unlock the secret to your hidden power to produce a high-level living experience. You can live life and have the impact you know you are here to produce.

This is your time to rise and come into alignment with your true purpose--your spiritual assignment (destiny)!

Imagine what your life will be like once you put away the confusion of purpose and learn to use your creative power to manifest your true desires! 

Imagine what your life will be like when you have: 

  • Awakened out of sleep
  •  The right tools

  • Clarity of purpose

  • Courage to take action 

  • Greater understanding to support you in winning in life continually!

  • The confidence to create greater income with ease


12-Month Transformational Training!

We Will Reinforce Mindset Mastery Topics And Continue Building Upon This Foundation.


Spiritual Success 12-Month Transformation System

  • Guiding Principle Training

    Three Weekly Virtual Gatherings in a safe and sacred community. You'll get lifetime access, downloadable lessons, and of course, bonus lessons!

  • Q & A Laser Coaching

    Weekly Guiding Principle Clarity Session where you will receive answers to your questions, mini-coaching, and a one-on-one Coaching Option. Unique Community Support, AND SO MUCH MORE!

  • Lifetime Access

    You will have lifetime access. You can take your time and revisit program materials as needed!

Pricing options

Get Started Now By Choosing The Plan That's Right For You!


Spiritual Success Mentor

Elona Sanders

Dr. Elona Sanders is a cutting-edge Empowerment Expert with over 40 years of experience as a Master Teacher, Motivational/Inspirational Speaker, and Private Mentor. She is the Founder of Spiritual Success Life, LLC, and With her extensive background as a Senior Pastor, Dr. E. brings her vast experience as a Transformation Catalyst to be an instrument of breakthrough and empowerment. This transformation journey with Dr. E., designed specifically for Highly Sensitive Leaders, you will be given the Spiritual Success Tools™ you need to discover and remove the unconscious blocks derailing your life and empower you to create and live your best life! This is not your typical training course full of information with no implementation.  You will want to work together with Dr. E. to achieve maximum results.